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Katie is Now 100 Pounds Lighter
Katie had been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Hyperinsulinism. Following her 100 pound weight loss her story was featured in both the Daily Mail and Daily Express Newspapers.
PCOS can often make it very challenging for the sufferer to lose weight. She lost 7 stone with the Gastric Mind Band Therapy; Katie attributes most of her success to the Pause Button Therapy element of her treatment and is now a healthy weight for her height. She went on to Lose 100 pounds of Fat.
I thought I was always ‘big’ at school, but looking back on photos I think this was because I was tall. I really started to gain weight quickly when I went to university. This was a result of too many cheese toasties and an over reliance on cheap pasta and tomato ketchup!
I kept gaining weight and turned to the Atkins diet to lose weight, the weight did come off but the diet was really difficult. I used to love breaking the diet, and going crazy on days off – It was a nightmare to go to friend’s houses for dinner as I’d end up just asking for a boiled egg. I constantly craved fruit and veg. I’m not sure how much I weighed before the Atkins diet, but I got down to around 70kg. (11 stone).
All of the Gastric Mind Band® (GMB) client testimonials on this site are the clients own words and opinions. The GMB treatment is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Aged 18, Katie Drew, now 32, was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Hyperinsulinism.
I couldn’t get any lower, but maintained this weight in Thailand for about 18 months without really trying – I think I had a really active job. When I came back to the UK the weight slowly crept back on, even though I was trying to go to the gym every day. I’m not really sure what happened, but I stopped weighing myself. It was only when I went for a medical and weighed in at 112kg (!!) (17 stone 8lb) that I realised how big I’d got.
I tried the Atkins diet again, but it didn’t work. I felt awful, and missed fruit and veg. I didn’t really understand why diets weren’t working. I knew that what I was eating was ‘healthy’ as I don’t have a sweet tooth and love fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, fish, brown rice – I never snacked. I was sure it must be ‘metabolic’ or that I was beyond diets.
I started to look at other more ‘extreme’ ways of losing weight – looking at diet pills on the internet and the costs of a NHS real gastric band. For me weight loss was crucial, I didn’t want to die early as a result of my ‘lack of control’. I knew the health implications, but didn’t really understand why I couldn’t lose weight. I even started reading a number of pages on various forums around the gastric band surgery option, I did not like what I read.
All of the Gastric Mind Band® (GMB) client testimonials on this site are the clients own words and opinions. The GMB treatment is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

I contacted Martin and Marion after I’d seen a TV programme that was exploring all weight loss solutions (presented by Dawn Porter) – she tried a hypnosis session for weight loss and felt that it was the only thing (out of all the weird and wonderful diets) that offered something sustainable.
I spoke to a few people who recommended CBT (not just for weight loss but for other areas of their life). The combination of the two seemed to be an interesting way of combining the benefits of both therapies. I thought I’d give it a go. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
I was very sceptical before the GM Band treatment – but really wanted to try something that I thought would be sustainable, addressing bad eating habits, rather than providing a short term ‘sticking plaster’ approach. That hasn’t worked for me before. I know that yo-yo dieting is unhealthy, not to mention the impact it has on my self esteem. Read more about how Katie went on to Lose 100 pounds Fat.
I was sceptical that I could lose weight – and even after leaving the clinic feeling confident I wasn’t sure I would lose weight. I didn’t want to weigh myself immediately, as I didn’t want to become obsessed with scales, but more with how I felt. I was surprised that after the first 4 weeks I had lost 12 kg. It definitely provided a huge confidence kick! After that I lost about 0.8kg a week on average. And it was really easy!

No will-power was needed at all. Just concentration, to make sure you use the tools when you identify areas that are normally ‘weak’ areas. As soon as you apply rational thought you don’t need will power!
I realised that a lot of time I wasn’t hungry – I realised that I often ate when I was tired. As Marion simply asked ‘Why do you think eating will stop you feeling tired, isn’t rest a better solution?’ This was a huge ‘penny drop’ moment for me.
With the Gastric Mind Band Therapy you can eat whatever food you like – as long as you are only eating when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied. I was made aware that, because of my PCOS and Hyperinsulinism, I have to be really careful about the amount of carbs I eat, because whenever I eat carb-rich foods, my body has to produce a lot more Insulin, compared with people who don’t have this problem, in order to regulate my blood sugar. During the sessions I learnt that the hormone Insulin increases your hunger and also leads to cravings for sugar and carb-rich foods. With this knowledge, I can now make better choices when I eat, opting for protein, vegetables and healthy fats, rather than carb-laden foods, and as a result I keep my blood sugar levels more consistent, reduce my sugar cravings and appetite, which in turn makes it so much easier for me to lose weight!
Martin and Marion have loads of different techniques to make people think about their bad eating habits. The one which worked best for me was to stop and think about how ‘rational’ my decision would sound to another person – the Pause Button Therapy helps with this: to recognise when I’m likely to make a ‘ridiculous’ decision and to take time, and consider the consequences of that decision & how I would try to justify it to someone else. I also enjoyed the introduction to the Origins of Obesity that Martin shared with me.
I feel a lot more in control now – not just about my weight, food and alcohol, but all other walks of life. The process taught me to identify areas where I had a ‘low tolerance threshold’ – where I was being irrational. I then use the Pause Button therapy to stop and consider the consequences of my actions – putting the argument to ‘the jury’ to sense test my decision. It’s been super useful at work!!
I’ve reached my target weight now. I feel a lot more control of my eating and I realise that when I thought I was hungry, I really wasn’t. I look back on the way I ate before, and the amount I was eating and I eat much more slowly now as well. I realise exactly why I was overweight now – I wasn’t listening to my body at all. My mind was over ruling signs of feeling full, so much so I would leave almost every meal feeling overstuffed, and, very often, guilty. The proof will be keeping the weight off; Martin and Marion have provided great support so far. I’ve had top-up sessions and the impact on my health has been a real positive incentive. It’s a great feeling to be able to shop in ‘normal’ clothes shops too.

Lose 100 pounds of Fat with Weight Loss Hypnosis
I quickly realised that when I thought I was hungry, I really wasn’t. I look back on the way I ate before, and the amount I was eating. I realise exactly why I was overweight now – I wasn’t listening to my body at all. My mind was over ruling signs of feeling full, so much so I would leave almost every meal feeling overstuffed, and, very often, guilty. The proof will be keeping the weight off; Martin and Marion have provided great support so far. I’ve had top-up sessions and the impact on my health has been a real positive incentive. It’s a great feeling to be able to shop in ‘normal’ clothes shops too.
For me, it was incredibly empowering – the results go beyond weight loss. I feel a lot more in control in many aspects of my life, and controlling my eating habits is just one area. In the end I went on to Lose 100 pounds Fat.
I was sceptical before I tried as I had never had ‘therapy’ before, neither CBT nor Hypnotherapy. I found the process enjoyable, eye-opening and the results have been incredibly successful so far.
- I enjoy food more.
- I feel more in control.
- I fit my old clothes.
- I can eat whatever I want if I’m hungry, guilt free.
- I love shopping for clothes.
- I plan holidays to places to try new foods and flavours.
- I drink more water and my skin looks better.
- I enjoy exercising and enjoy how I feel afterwards.
- Lose 100 pounds Fat.